46 Results
Homely single bedroom in Nord
800 € / month
Chaussée d'Anvers - Antwerpsesteenweg 57, 1000 Brussels, Belgium
3 rooms
Private Room in schaerbeek, Brussels
Modern double bedroom in a nice shared flat near Brussels-North train station
925 € / month
Nice single bedroom in Nord
Brussels I Canal | Belgium Sothebys Int. Realty
2600 € / month
Quai des Péniches - Akenkaai 64, 1000 Brussels, Belgium
1260 € / month
Schaerbeek - Schaarbeek, Avenue de Vilvorde - Vilvoordselaan, 1000 Brussels, Belgium
Marvellous single bedroom in Nord
975 € / month
apartment at 1050 Ixelles Brussels, Belgium
1650 € / month
Museum for Natural Sciences of Belgium, Rue Vautier - Vautierstraat, 1000 Brussels, Belgium
Nice and cosy single bedroom in Nord
Bright single bedroom in modern shared flat in the vicinity of the Brussels-North train station
Immo ID | Mooi appartement op de 7de verdiepi... | 1711040
1550 € / month
Square Marie-Louise - Maria-Louizasquare 16, 1000 Brussels, Belgium
Three Bedroom Apartment Opposite the European Commission (Europark)
2200 € / month
Rue Stevin - Stevinstraat 105, 1000 Brussels, Belgium
3400 € / month
Beautiful 3 bedroom apartment + garage
2100 € / month
Immo ID | Mooi gemeubeld appartement op de 8d... | 1711274
1750 € / month
Three-Bedroom Apartment in Vibrant Location in Brussels (Pelican Residence)
Boulevard du Jardin Botanique - Kruidtuinlaan 3, 1000 Brussels, Belgium
Skyview 3 bedroom apartment
1900 € / month
Boulevard Simon Bolivar - Simon Bolivarlaan 17, 1000 Brussels, Belgium
Two-Bedroom Apartment
3285 € / month
Rue Joseph II - Jozef II-straat 130, 1000 Brussels, Belgium
apartment at Antwerpse Steenweg 57, Brussels, Belgium
2300 € / month
Three bedroom apartment (Studeopolis Residence)
Avenue de l'Héliport - Helihavenlaan 46, 1000 Brussels, Belgium
Immo ID | Prachtig 3 SK Apartement - Europese... | 1711199
2000 € / month
Square Ambiorix - Ambiorixsquare 43, 1000 Brussels, Belgium