Rue des Coteaux - Wijnheuvelenstraat 314, 1030 Schaerbeek - Schaarbeek, Belgium
By clicking the contact button, you will be able to get in touch with the property manager partner and to rent your home 100% online.Rooms for rent in a furnished 4-bedroom duplex apartment on Avenue Louis Bertrand. The property is on the ground floor of the building. Each bedroom includes its private bathroom. Bedroom 1, Bedroom 2 and Bedroom 3 share a toilet. Bedroom 4 includes its private toilet. There is no washing machine on the property but there are laundromats in the area.
Type de propriété: Chambre
Ville : Schaerbeek - schaarbeek
Chambres: 1
Prix : 750 €
Disponible à partir de 2025-01-18
Meublé : Oui
Machine à laver : Oui