Rue Théophile De Baisieux - Théophile De Baisieuxstraat, 1090 Jette, Belgium
By clicking the contact button, you will be able to get in touch with the property manager partner and to rent your home 100% online.Cosy rooms, each equipped with private sinks, are available to rent in a spacious 2-storey, 6-bedroom apartment located in the well-connected neighborhood of Jette. The large apartment features a spacious and fully equipped communal kitchen, along with a shared bathroom with two extra toilet rooms. The area of the apartment is 100 m². The property is about 30 minutes from Brussels city centre. This is a perfect choice for students or professionals who prefer to have easy access to the city centre and other areas of Brussels.
Type de propriété: Chambre
Ville : Jette
Chambres: 1
Prix : 580 €
Disponible à partir de 2025-05-02
Machine à laver : Oui